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Working with Esri File Geodatabase

The file geodatabase is a format defined by Esri. It is a collection of various types of GIS datasets held in a file system folder. Bentley Map supports the file geodatabase in the same way it does Oracle Spatial and SQL Server Spatial.

Spatial Type Matching

File geodatabase type XFM data type
Point Point
Linear Linestring
Circular arcs Circular arcs
Elliptical arcs Elliptical arcs
Polygon Polygon
Multipatch Polygon collection

Subtypes are supported in that they are registered as a single feature with a domain containing the subtype values. Property based symbology rules can be used to differentiate the subtypes.

Feature data sets are registered as separate features.

Domains are supported only as coded value domains.

Relationships that can be modeled as subfeatures are supported. However, support is read-only. Features involved in relationships cannot be created, updated, deleted, or exported.

Annotation subfeatures are not supported in the Esri file geodatabase due to limitations of the API.